Small bridge over a stream in the park


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Our Specialized Expertise

Water Quality

Urban stormwater best management practices intend to imitate the natural processes of infiltration, filtration, initial abstraction, hydrograph attenuation and more.

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Intuition & Logic provides masterplanning services for our clients, with projects ranging from small sub-basins to watersheds covering hundreds of square miles.

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Federal Services

Intuition & Logic is a small business that delivers big results. With over a decade of experience working in the federal market, we understand how to effectively manage federal projects. Our CPARS ratings are a testament to our success.

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Intuition & Logic specializes in utilities and sanitary design. We have designed new sanitary system improvements and updated sanitary systems to provide improvements to communities. We combine our advanced knowledge of hydrology and hydraulics to provide our clients with innovative designs. All of which allow the final product to become an asset to the community.

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Parks and Trails

Our greenway designs are frequently through high value forest and riparian corridor and our designs minimize the impact of their facilities and maximize opportunity to observe nature at its best.

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Watershed Masterplanning

Masterplanning services range from Flood Analysis, Channel Erosion Analysis (Fluvial Geomorphology), Water Quality, Endangered Species, Habitat Evaluation, Public Engagement and more.

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Lakes and Ponds

We design lakes and ponds that are as functional as they are beautiful. Our planning and design services include sediment management, nutrient and pollutant control, habitat enhancement, recreational facilities and amenities, dam & spillway design, shore erosion control, breakwaters, sea walls, boat ramps, docks and more.

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Flood Control Works

Intuition & Logic provides design, modeling, retrofit analysis and inspection services for a variety of flood control works including levees, detention basins, wet ponds, wetlands, microdetention, underground storage and flood channels. Intuition & Logic also provides Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) dam safety inspections.

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Construction Services

We offer a full suite of construction services to our clients including: bidding; bid tab review and recommendations; pre-construction meetings; construction observation; punchlist inspections; change management; shop drawing review; and invoice review and recommendations.

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Potable Water

Intuition & Logic specializes in utilities and portable water. We have designed new water system improvements and updated existing water systems to provide improvements to communities. We combine our advanced knowledge of hydrology and hydraulics to provide our clients with innovative designs. All of which allow the final product to become an asset to the community.

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Urban Streams & Channels

We stabilize channels, even under the most extreme urban hydrologic regimes in highly erosive environments.

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