Fort Riley Limesludge Closure and Hydraulic Study
Federal Services - Project
Project Description
Fort Riley Limesludge Closure and Hydraulic Study
This project illustrates Water Resources Solutions-Intuition & Logic Engineering JV, LLC (WRS-I&L JV) experience creating and producing CADD files in native MicroStation using AEC CAD standards with electronic submissions in MicroStation and PDF format. |
The US Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District retained WRS-I&L JV to connect the Fort Riley, KS tactical equipment motor-pool facility (TEMF) Sedimentation Basins discharge piping directly to the piping at the head of the Installation Vehicle Wash Facility (IVWF) four-cell lagoon system and develop 35% design plans and specifications. The TEMF wash-racks’ drain to the Old Wash-Rack Reservoir (OWRR) formerly known as Central Vehicle Wash Facility. The water in the OWRR is transferred to the IVWF treatment lagoons north of the OWRR via gravity drainage through a sluice box. However, during large precipitation events the water in the OWRR discharges to the environment via the overflow structure. |
Multiple routing configurations were evaluated including a 1,646 ft long, 24” RCP gravity system with a concept cost range of $311,000 to $467,000 and a 722 ft long, 18” RCP gravity system connecting to a 1,076 ft long 8” PVC force main with a concept cost range of $347,000 to $516,000. |
35% design plans were created in MicroStation using AEC CAD standards with electronic submissions in MicroStation and PDF format. |
Project Details
Key Personnel:
- Mark Meyer, PE, CFM
- Matt Auld, PE, ENV SP
Project Features:
- Sanitary Sewer
- MicroStation
- AEC CAD Standards
- 35% Plans, Specifications
- Construction Cost Estimate
- 2020