Fort Riley Limesludge Closure and Hydraulic Study

Federal Services - Project

Project Description

Fort Riley Limesludge Closure and Hydraulic Study

This project illustrates Water Resources Solutions-Intuition & Logic Engineering JV, LLC (WRS-I&L JV) experience creating and producing CADD files in native MicroStation using AEC CAD standards with electronic submissions in MicroStation and PDF format.
The US Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District retained WRS-I&L JV to connect the Fort Riley, KS tactical equipment motor-pool facility (TEMF) Sedimentation Basins discharge piping directly to the piping at the head of the Installation Vehicle Wash Facility (IVWF) four-cell lagoon system and develop 35% design plans and specifications. The TEMF wash-racks’ drain to the Old Wash-Rack Reservoir (OWRR) formerly known as Central Vehicle Wash Facility. The water in the OWRR is transferred to the IVWF treatment lagoons north of the OWRR via gravity drainage through a sluice box. However, during large precipitation events the water in the OWRR discharges to the environment via the overflow structure.
Multiple routing configurations were evaluated including a 1,646 ft long, 24” RCP gravity system with a concept cost range of $311,000 to $467,000 and a 722 ft long, 18” RCP gravity system connecting to a 1,076 ft long 8” PVC force main with a concept cost range of $347,000 to $516,000.
35% design plans were created in MicroStation using AEC CAD standards with electronic submissions in MicroStation and PDF format.

Project Details

Key Personnel:

  • Mark Meyer, PE, CFM
  • Matt Auld, PE, ENV SP

Project Features:

  • Sanitary Sewer
  • MicroStation
  • AEC CAD Standards
  • 35% Plans, Specifications
  • Construction Cost Estimate


  • 2020